Nau Mai, Haere Mai!

Nau mai, haere mai! Welcome to my blog, a practical component of my occupational therapy degree paper, Participation in Occupation. This blog will be comprised of tutorial tasks relating to information technology and OT.

Sunday 20 May 2012

Video Production 1

Our task for this session was to create a video approximately 1 minute long relating to one of four chosen topics; occupational justice, occupational disruption, occupational transition, or occupational deprivation.  We were assigned groups for this task, however I was absent the day of designation, and was given group members from the class that is on an alternative timetable to myself.  This proved impractical, so I have made my video myself.  After storyboarding a number of ideas, I went and checked out other blogs from my classmates, and discovered that people had already chosen the same or similar scenarios.  So rather than looking outwards, I decided to look inwards for subject matter.

I chose to represent my own health issues, which have recently been causing occupational disruption, as you will see in the video.  Occupational disruption is "a transient or temporary condition of being restricted from participation in necessary or meaningful occupations, such as that caused by illness, temporary relocation, or temporary unemployment" (2010, Christiansen & Townsend, p. 420).  In my case, a change in the status of an ongoing condition, and the resultant change in medication, has created a situation where my primary occupation, that of student, has been severely disrupted, as have other daily occupations, such as housework, cooking and leisure activities.

In making this video, I used the built-in webcam on my computer.  I had to take into consideration the limitations that a solo project incurs, such as filming whilst being in the frame, and being able to position my camera in a practical way.  I edited the video using Windows Live Movie Maker.  I chose not to use any soundtrack, to avoid possible copyright breaches.  So here we go...

(emmelby, 2012)


Christiansen, C.H. & Townsend, E.A. (2010). Glossary.  In C.H. Christiansen & E.A. Townsend (Eds.), Introduction to occupation: The art and science of living (2nd ed.) (pp. 417-423). Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson Education Incorporated.

emmelby. (2012, May 20). Megan's PIO - occupational disruption [Video file]. Retrieved from

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